We are currently compiling a list of family friendly places to go and activities in Rutland. If you have any suggestions or would like to have a listing, please email us.
Oakham - Stamford - Uppingham - Villages
9.30am@ St Joseph's baby and toddler group, St Joseph's Catholic Church, Station Road
Oakham, Leicestershire LE15 6QU. Toy's, activities, crafts, refreshments and singing. £1 per family.
2pm @ All Saints Church, Oakham - Pram service. A short service of simple songs and stories. Service lasts 20 minutes and is followed by tea and play. Good attendance and an opportunity for parents and carers to meet and socialise. £1per family.
10.30am @ The Methodists Church, Northgate, Oakham. Baby and Toddler group. Toy's, activities, crafts, refreshments and singing. £1 per family.
1pm @ The Parks School, Oakham. Soft play, swimming, toy's, activities and refreshments. £2 per family.
9.45am @ All Saints Church, Oakham. Tiny Tot's, term time only from 9.45 - 10.45 age range 0 - school age.Craft,toys, story and singing. Refreshments. £1 per family.
Places to Go and Activities
Oakham Library
Cosy children's area with a great selection of books and DVD's. Weekly activities include
Rhyme Time on Friday mornings at 10.30am and Thursday afternoons at 2pm.
Story Time on Wednesday's at 2pm.
Rutland County Museum
An engaging and family friendly museum which offers many activities for children.